Fresh Mint Choc Chip Low FODMAP Ice-Cream

As previously requested I have made low FODMAP mint chocolate chip ice-cream. This recipe is made from fresh mint leaves therefore has a more subtle flavour than the store bought ones however it is delicious! Personally I prefer it this way as store bought ones taste too artificial to me. But if you want to achieve the same flavour as store bought ones use 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract instead of the mint leaves. The ice-cream will turn out cream in colour instead of the traditional light green we all know mint ice-cream by. The green colour is usually achieved by adding food colouring. I decided not to add colour to mine and keep it as natural as possible. If you do not like mint ice-cream you could simply omit the mint leave or peppermint extract and instead you’d have a vanilla chocolate chip ice-cream! I served mine in a wafer cup. Some supermarkets sell gluten free wafer cones and cups such as the Barkat or Eskal gluten free cones. Their ingredients are also FODMAP friendly.

mint ice-cream


  • 300ml lactose free milk (or dairy free alternatives)
  • 300ml lactose free cream (or dairy free alternatives)
  • 40 mint leaves (medium and large size leaves)
  • 170g caster sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 90g dark chocolate (I used 70%)


  1. Combine the milk, cream and mint leaves and heat in a pot over low to medium heat. Do not allow to boil.
  2. Take off the heat and leave to rest for 10 minutes to allow the mint leaves to infuse the milk/cream mixture.
  3. After 10 minutes pass the mixture through a sieve to remove the mint leaves.
  4. Mix the yolks and sugar in a separate bowl. Add the milk mixture slowly to the yolk-sugar mix until it is well combined.
  5. Return the mix to a clean pan and cook for approximately 10 minutes on low to medium heat. Do not allow to boil.
  6. Leave the mixture to cool and then refrigerate.
  7. In the meantime, chop the chocolate into flakes and refrigerate.
  8. Once the mixture is cold, add the chocolate flakes. Pour in an ice-cream machine and prepare according to the manufacturers instructions.
  9. Pour the ice-cream into a plastic container and freeze for a couple of hours.

4 thoughts on “Fresh Mint Choc Chip Low FODMAP Ice-Cream

    1. Hi Jason, the cone I used contained wheat since I introduced it successfully. However in the UK Barkat and Eskal sell gluten free cones. They are available in some supermarkets and on ocado.

      1. wheat is fine… I’m actually leading to do a cool dairy dip ice cream concept here in NY and was scouring the internet for different shaped cones. The one you pictured looked perfect for what we are trying to do but couldn’t find any info on it anywhere online. any help would be greatly appreciated!

        1. I do not quite remember the name of the brand but I purchased this cones from Malta and I believe it might have been a Maltese brand which I’m afraid would not be available in NY. I found these on amazon which look similar If you’re making your own ice-cream. It may be worth to making your own waffle cones as well. They are so much tastier 🙂

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